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Table of Contents

- Working Together To Return To Work
- Health Policy
- Cleaning Policy
- Physical & Social Distancing
- Kitchen
- Communal Areas & Tables
- Meeting Rooms
- Guests Visiting + Reception Area
- Social Etiquette
- Private Offices
- Dedicated Desks

Working Together To Return To Work

To ensure a safe return to work, it is going to require a combined effort from everyone involved and all parties sharing the workplace.

CreativeCubes.Co recognises the integral role it plays here to support our community and requests that members recognise their role in contributing towards everyone's "Return To Work” success.

As leaders of the community we have implemented a number of necessary measures to accommodate the wellbeing of our members in the new working environment.

The below expands upon existing policies as well as introduces new measures now in place at all of our sites. These policies and measures will continue to be expanded upon in the coming weeks to ensure we are all able to navigate and respond to changing circumstances.

Strict adherence to our health policy is required for all members and guests in order to keep everyone safe.

We ask all members and guests to be respectful of one another and to refer to all signage, markers and directions throughout the space.

We are looking forward to working together and returning to a productive workplace.

Our Health Policy

Our strict Health Policy remains in place indefinitely across all sites.

Following advice from the Department of Health and to ensure the safety of our team & community from please answer these three questions before you enter our space:

#1 Have you returned from overseas in the last 14 days?

#2 Have you been in contact with anyone who:
- Has been overseas in the last 14 days?
- Is suspected or confirmed to have Coronavirus?

#3 Are you feeling unwell with flu-like symptoms?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please do not attend or enter CreativeCubes.Co and seek medical advice.

Upon you return, in order to enter we require written advice that you are ok and no longer require self isolation.


Our space continues to be monitored closely, additional cleaning remains in place by certified COVID19 cleaners and hygiene and disinfecting products remain available to our members and staff.

Keeping our community safe while enabling members to continue to run their businesses is of paramount importance to us, as such, our buildings remain open.

Please see below the additional cleaning and sanitisation procedures we have had in place since March at all sites: Richmond, Hawthorn and South Melbourne.

All Sites
8 hours of cleaning per site per night.
On top of the normal cleaning products being used we are also utilising a product called VIRACLEAN which is a hospital grade disinfectant being used on all services, has a neutral pH and is biodegradable.

All surfaces are being cleaned and disinfected including:

- Bathroom doors and door handles.
- Bathroom basins, all stainless-steel areas, taps and tap fittings
- Bathroom hand paper holders.
- Plastic rubbish bins including lid.
- Fridge and mini fridge doors including door handles and buttons.
- Microwave inside and out including buttons.
- Kettle and toasters.
- Kitchen benches, tables and chairs.
- Reception desk, bench and tablet’s touch up screen.
- Clean and sanitise all shared tables and desks.
- Meeting room’s table, chairs, whiteboard and equipment controls.
- Printers and scanners.
- Tablet’s touch screens.
- Doors and door handles.
- Light switches.
- Lift buttons.
- Emergency Exit buttons.

Physical & Social Distancing

The Australian Government has made a number of resources available to employers and businesses with respect to Covid19 response including Physical & Social Distancing.

CreativeCubes.Co has drawn from these resources in preparing the policies and procedures outlined below. We ask all team members to play their role in being socially responsible within the space.

Our Happiness Team and Leadership Team remains available to discuss any queries you may have.


- Signage and floor markings to direct foot traffic and ensure safe social distancing of 1.5 metres and max number of people in the kitchen.
- We have replaced tea, coffee, sugar, salt and pepper with individually wrapped items
- Disposable gloves available (PPE)
- Disinfecting wipes for surfaces are available to use in each kitchen
- Hand sanitiser available in the kitchen
- Increased hours for cleaners each night to thoroughly clean and sanitise all appliances and touch surfaces
- Hand Wash gel located at each basin
- We will continue to supply cutlery and crockery as normal and all used cutlery and crockery will continue to be washed each night as is our standard procedure.
- The dishwasher will be unpacked with appropriate PPE equipment. If you do not feel comfortable using these communal items please bring your own from home.
- We request and encourage all members to place their used dishes and items directly into the dishwasher for the wellbeing and hygiene of all fellow members.
- Communal water bottles and glasses will be available and continue to be washed regularly.
- We request and encourage all members to place their used bottles and glasses directly into the dishwasher for the wellbeing and hygiene of all fellow members.
- Boiling, chilled and sparkling water available on tap in all kitchens. Members are encouraged to bring their own water bottles where appropriate.

Communal Areas & Tables

Hand sanitizer available in these areas.

We ask all members to leave all hand sanitizers in place after use for the benefit of all members.

Please read and follow all signage and markers as reference to support your safe working space.

It is the responsibility of all members and guests to follow these guidelines in communal areas.

If you are unsure or would like to discuss how to best utilise the space please feel free to speak to The Happiness Team at the front desk or contact with your questions.

Meeting Rooms

- Our meeting rooms will remain available for members and external guests to book via our online portal

- It will be the meeting organiser’s responsibility to ensure they limit the number of attendees at meetings to accommodate safe distances.

- Signage, markers and chairs will be placed appropriately to assist the meeting organiser to facilitate this.

- Hand sanitizer and wipes available in each meeting room. We ask all members to leave all hand sanitizers and wipes in place after use.

- Increased cleaning to sanitize all touch point surfaces such as tables, markers, TV, remote control, AC control & door handles

- We ask all members to be conscious of meeting end times to allow rooms to be attended to prior to the following meeting.

- We also ask members to be respectful, remove rubbish and leave meeting rooms tidy to allow subsequent meetings the time to move into the space comfortably.

Guests & Reception

- It will be the responsibility of each member to ensure their guest(s) follow our guidelines to for a safe work environment

- All guests must first review our Health Policy and response accordingly.

- Please ask all guests to check-in with the Happiness Team member at the desk. The Happiness Team members will operate the checkin app to avoid guests having to touch the screen.

- Please observe all floor markings for safe distancing for queues around The Happiness Team desk

- Hand sanitizer and wipes are available at the entrance and desk

- Gloves available if required (PPE)

- Cleaners to wipe down entrance doors and elevator buttons as per cleaning policy.

Social Etiquette

It is up to our community to practise washing and sanitising their hands frequently throughout the day for the recommended 20 seconds.

Please observe signage around the space.

Please practise good workplace hygiene by covering coughs and sneezes into your elbow and turning away from other members in the space.

Unfortunately for the foreseeable future handshakes, hugs and kisses and generally not recommended.

Private Offices & Dedicated Desks

- It is the responsibility of each Team Leader to ensure their team practices safe distancing. This may be achieved by a combination of utilising dedicated space, communal space, working from home, video conferencing etc.

- As members and teams return to the workplace everyone will be adjusting to the “new normal” and teams may need to reconfigure their workspace, desk space and schedules in the short term. Please be sure to follow the guidelines set out above when expanding out into Communal and Collaborative spaces.

- If you require additional dedicated space please reach out to the Happiness Team.