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Social Distancing

One way to slow the spread of COVID-19 is physical distancing. The more space between you and others, the harder it is for the virus to spread.

CreativeCubes.Co has implemented the below measures and policies to minimise the risk of infection and the below instructions are visible as signage around the space. 

  • maintain and encourage others to maintain the physical distancing principle of at least 1.5 metres separation, where possible which includes:
    • between groups within each room and
    • at entry and exit points
  • avoid handshakes or other contact
  • utilised reconfigured tables and chairs to comply with physical distancing (1.5 metres separation)
  • adhere to density requirements based upon the size of the workplace (eg one person per 4 square metres)
  • minimise mixing between separate rooms or groups of people as much as possible
  • display signage at the venue entrance to instruct members of the public (and workers) not to enter if they are unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms
  • all payments are now contactless. No cash.
  • all bookings, reservations and pre-ordering are done online. Restrictions to bookings in place.
  • floor or wall markings or signs places throughout the space to identify 1.5 metres distance between people, in queues and waiting areas
  • request individuals to follow compliance with physical distancing requirements, with particular regard to areas where members of the public might congregate
  • limit non-essential contact during the day as much as possible
  • use telephone or video platforms for essential meetings where practical
  • use flexible working arrangements where possible eg stagger start times and breaks for workers, early and late shifts to reduce peak periods
  • signage near and in lifts, directing customers and workers to maintain physical distancing wherever practical