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You have to watch EVERY MINUTE of this vlog… it’ll fire you up like nothing else (it did that to me).

When Tim 팀 O’Sullivan visited his partner’s family in South Korea, he discovered Korean’s secret to alcohol recovery.

After a big night out, Koreans would cure their hangover by drinking and eating Korean Pear. They recover by speeding up their metabolism process by drinking Korean pear. Apparently in the Asian pear, there’s an enzyme that helps the body process alcohol faster and flushes them out of your system.

Tim brought back the discovery to Melbourne and created a startup called Bae Juice.

With one big load shipment container of juice, Tim used social media to spread the word and drove around Melbourne to hand them out. Anyone who messaged them on social media got themselves a juice. Tim’s startup story is a lesson of: go big or go home.

Enjoy this vlog 🙂

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