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Over the coming months as Victoria and Australia transition to a National Plan where-by we “live with” COVID-19 it is important we are well prepared to respond to a positive case on site at CreativeCubes.Co.

Our team has been diligently preparing our spaces for a safe Return To Work and have established a robust set of procedures and protocols in order to respond to such an event in line with all recommendations from DHHS.

In order to support your community we ask all members to be sure to be diligent in adhering to the following requirements:

Immediate Notification of a Positive Case

If you or any of your employees, volunteers, contractors or guests are diagnosed with a positive case of COVID-19 please be sure to notify CreativeCubes.Co as soon as possible by filling out this form:

All information is private and confidential and used only to ensure a safe workplace and that the correct procedures are followed by you as an employee\employer and by CreativeCubes.Co as a provider.

Please be sure to complete this step regardless of whether this person has been onsite recently.

The information collected here will be used with respect to the Dept. of Health Risk Assessment to assist your employer in response to the positive case and to ensure we are able to communicate with our community.

No personal information will be shared.

CreativeCubes.Co will assist in directing employers to the appropriate course of action.

Check-In via the Services Victoria App

The Service Victoria Check in QR Code is available at every CreativeCubes.Co entrance and throughout our spaces.

We ask all members to be sure to check in each day and ensure their volunteers, contractors and guests do the same.

This will assist in timely and accurate contact tracing and comms from DHHS should there be any direction required and also helps to keep our community informed and safe.

Wearing masks

CreativeCubes.Co will continue to align its face mask policy with the recommendations of the DHHS.

Masks are no longer required to be worn at CreativeCubes.Co as per the latest DHHS update.

More information can be found here.

Please let us know if there is anything CreativeCubes.Co can do to support you here or if you would like to discuss this further.