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Learn to Meditate

Now, more than ever, we are craving connection... Both to each other, and to ourselves.

Join Ziggy Razuki for our 4-week Learn to Meditate Online course.

Increase your ability to manage stress and fatigue, remove barriers to meditation and learn how to cope in the ever changing modern world.

Our four-week online course will consist of 2 sessions per week run through the Zoom platform. An initial 30 minute intro session on Wednesday May 6th followed by 20 minute guided sessions each Wednesday and Friday at 11am.

Each session will address a different topic with scientific, substantiated facts outlining the physical/psychological benefits of a dedicated meditation practice.

Specifically tapered towards work and personal life - with clear and obvious ways in which to enact, notice and track changes as we go.

What to expect each session:
An introduction to the session topic
10-15 minute guided meditation
Education on real life practical application of topic
An opportunity for questions + discussion

Access to post session recap notes
Support from the RebelMonk team for the duration of the course
Additional resources on request
Bonus recorded meditations

If yourself or someone you know is struggling in the current world climate, we are here. For anyone with a Mental Health Care Plan, the Learn to Meditate course is completely complimentary.

Please email to arrange or for any further questions or queries.

Build Your Business's COVID-19 First Aid Kit

Our friends at Austrade and SOSA, the Australian Landing Pad partner in Tel Aviv, are pleased to invite you to a First Aid Kit for Start-ups webinar on Wednesday, 6th of May, commencing at 4:00pm AEST.

Join a panel of experts from both Israel and Australia, who will explore the immediate issues and impacts on operations, financial risk management, and relationships with VCs and Corporates that startups are currently facing due to COVID-19. The session will provide guidance and share actionable insights for Australian Startups.

Speakers include:
Daphna Meroz- VP Open Innovation @ SOSA
Shayma Sharif- Investor @ NFX
Hanan Lipskin- Founder of Keepers
Daniel Ross- Head of Financial Services @ Luna

About SOSA: SOSA is run by a very talented team of entrepreneurs that strive to provide ongoing value to their members. Whether it's through specific events, or just spending time working in SOSA's shared space, we are able to meet, work and socialise with the best people from the entire startup community – from entrepreneurs to investors to service providers.


What have Cubers been up to?

Elan Pamensky
Cloud CFO

"I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Dan Siepen, the Co-Founder of Cenario App. Cenario is a tool that helps startups forecast, budget and manage cashflow easily.

In the interview, we got to talk about 5 tips and strategies on how to forecast successfully. I will share the blog in the comments below.

Here are the 5 tips we discussed.
💡Adjust forecast regularly
💡Properly identify income and expenses
💡Have “just in cash: finance in place
💡Don’t get caught up with revenue
💡Hire help with cashflow forecasting

Understanding where you're going towards in the future with your business is crucial to determine the success you want to achieve."

Read more

Hamish Deo &
Matthew Hedrick

PressReader is making isolation productive, one publication at a time!

Hamish and Matthew from PressReader have kindly gifted Hawthorn cubers a VIP link to pass those quieter moments in isolation by!

PressReader is an all-you-can-read digital newsstand subscription service with thousands of the world’s most popular newspapers and magazines available.

Simply click on the link, sign in and create an account to gain full access to the catalogue of 7000+ newspapers and magazines free!

You can expect premium content without ads, incomplete story snippets or pesky paywalls!

Hamish from PressReader would be more than happy to answer any of your questions and would love your feedback! You can reach him at

Check them out here

Karen Williams

The success of your organisation's return to work plan will depend on how well you on-ramp your people. Your HR generalists may need assistance with the nuanced field of human behaviour to achieve a smooth transition.

3 key things to consider...
1. Reparation - Acknowledge with awareness that everyone's experience has been, and will continue to be, unique. Some people are thriving in the downtime, some are suffering in silence pretending to be ok. To elevate performance quickly people need to know it's ok to be where they are now. If you can create that safe space, they will rise more swiftly than if you try to motivate it.

2. Responsibility - Partner your people to choose how they 'show up' upon their return. Knowing their specific behavioural profiles will help you understand what's important to them and what they need to make a productive choice.

3. Reintegration - When people are self-empowered, the process of reintegration can be self-directed, however it will still need an awareness from you/your SLT that this is a process not an event. Being adaptive in leadership style will be critical, as will the quality of your communication and ability to listen.

"I am running webinars educating leaders in these skills and this process. If this would be helpful for you, please reach out."

Reach out

James Shadrach
Video Why

A quick guide on how to make your video calls looks better.

"I've been talking to a lot of people lately who are finding it difficult to adapting to video calls. In response to some common questions, I put this video together to show you how I setup my video calls."

Check them out here

Ben Crowe
Mojo Crowe

The coronavirus outbreak is fundamentally changing our day-to-day lives and the way we’re connecting with one another. In this video, Ben Crowe - mindset coach and director of Mojo Crowe - explores the challenges people face when they are confronted with events that are out of their control. He helps us understand how we can find perspective, adapt and grow through adversity.

Check them out here

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Keep Ya Head Up

Have something you’d like to see or include in the next newsletter?

Email it to us via by the 15th of each month.