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We are a collaborative community with Amazingly designed work spaces to inspire left brain thinking for the right brainers +right brain thinking for everybody.

Whether you need a desk, private office or a place for your company to call home. Our environments increase productivity, innovation & collaboration.

Our Happiness Team is the heartbeat of the space. They’re the connectors, listeners and doers intuitively in sync with the needs of our members keeping them going with mind-blowing service.

We solve loneliness, inspire your day & help elevate your brand.

We’re not just a space for startups, we’re seeing SME’s SMB’s & Large companies all work from CreativeCubes.Co and the reasons will surprise you but totally make sense at the same time:

  • Satellite Office
  • Over Flow Space
  • Project Space
  • Rapid Expansion & Can’t Fit Into A Traditional Lease
  • Lightening of Company Overhead
  • Plug & Play Culture
  • Attracting & Retaining Talent (no one wants to work in a boring office)
  • Loads of Prospective Clients
  • Collaboration & Networking Opportunities
  • Access to Amenities (event space / café / OrangeTheory Fitness / yoga)

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