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Speed networking is like speed dating for professionals. It’s the business version of Tinder in real life, and a great way to meet potential clients or business partners.

Speed networking is also on the rise; next week in Melbourne alone, there are more than 20 speed networking events, and it’s because professionals are realising the power of collaboration.

What is speed networking?

A speed networking event is an organised meet up for professionals, employers, business owners and investors to meet and greet in an organised environment. Most speed networking events have a tightly run schedule and ten minutes per meet and greet allocated. You’ve got a short amount of time to cut straight to the chase, so whether you’re hiring, looking for work, looking for a business partner or the opportunity for growth, you’ll be forced to bring you’re a-game with such a short window of time.

Why do it?

Speed networking isn’t for everyone. It’s fast-paced, direct, and high powered, so it’ll depend on what you’re trying to get out of it and what your intentions are. Speed networking isn’t about getting an immediate return either; if you meet a professional that you’d like to continue the conversation with, you’ll need to go on to nurture that relationship. Speed networking is a great way to promote your business though, and dropping your business name to fifty people in one night is a great way to expose yourself.

Where can you do it?

Speed networking events are hosted all over the country, both privately and publicly. Creative Cubes hosts speed networking events occasionally, and a day in our office isn’t too dissimilar either. Working from a co-working space is like speed networking every day, in a comfy environment with great internet. If you’re looking for more formal speed networking events with targeted audiences in your industry, try or

What do I need to prepare?

Every speed networking event will be different, but you’ll want to prepare yourself with the basics. Make sure you have your elevator pitch down pat so you can introduce yourself clearly and concisely, and be armed with business cards. If there’s anyone you want to follow up with, make sure you ask for their business card too and make a note straight after the conversation. You’ll end up heading home with 50 business cards and no way of knowing who’s who without a reference note. You’ll also want to prepare a great question to break the ice and think about some professional conversation directions in advance to avoid wasting the few minutes you do have to make an impression.

Have You Had Success Speed Networking?

A quick question for you – have you had any success Speed Networking?  If so, where? when? leave a comment below to share your experience with our community

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