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If you could go back in time and and tell yourself something critical to help you out a decade or two later what would it be?

Here’s what i’d say to myself…

Enjoy the vlog 🙂


Tobi Skovron: What I would tell myself as a 20-year-old versus if I could go back in time, it would just be to stay focused. Stay focused on serving and executing, and stop serving the ego.

There’s so much I would tell my 20-year-old self, noting that I’m almost 40, 39. There’s so many things I would tell myself, but then there would be so many things that I would conflict, that would be conflicting to that advice. Right? So maybe be patient, but in order to win and in order to execute, you’ve got to go fast. So you’ve almost got to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

Yeah. There’s mistakes that are still happening today, right? So it’s not about like what happened at 20 was a mistake and it’s not happening at 39. There’s stuff happening every day. Progress over perfection is something that’s really important. It’s actually deep in the DNA of CreativeCubes. The whole team, we have 27 staff now, the whole team is operating on progress over perfection and people over process, right?

So we have a process for just about everything, but it’s important to humanize that as well, right? So if something comes from left field that is out of process, just serve the people, worry about that later. We’ll fix it up. Which goes back to progress over perfection, but don’t get stuck in the process that you actually lose yourself, your identity, your business, your drivers. And most certainly don’t ever lose the purpose, right? So wake up every day, make sure you have purpose. Don’t chase the glittery stuff, chase the real stuff.

You know what? I met Simone when I was 23 and she grounded me big time, from just being real. Growing up in Sydney, trying to keep up, pretending to be someone that I wasn’t. When I met [inaudible 00:02:24], she was like, “It’s okay. It’s okay that it’s not right. It’s okay that it’s not perfect. It’s okay that it’s …” You know what I’m saying? I’ve found happiness in the fact that I didn’t have to pretend to be and I could just just be, and she loves me for that. I get a whole lot of fulfilment from that.

Where I have my peace at night when I put my head on the pillow, is I’ve told and executed … firstly, I’ve told the truth. There’s no stories, there’s no bullshit. There’s no pump fakes. I’ve been authentic, and if that’s not good enough, then that’s okay. It generally is well beyond good enough. But I think that the peace that I have when I put my head on the pillow at night, knowing that I’ve been honourable and ethical with everything that I’d done, even if it didn’t end up well for me.

Yeah, no, so I think at 20 I was a young, egotistical, self-serving person. A lot of my actions and activities were related to putting value on me, and the world just isn’t that way. It shouldn’t be that way. It should be about serving others, and along the way you end up winning because they’ve had a win. When you put yourself … there’s that saying, put the cart in front of the horse or the horse in front of the cart.

I think it’s critical that … I’ll take that back. What I would tell myself as a 20-year-old versus if I could go back in time, it would just be to stay focused. Stay focused on serving and executing, and stop serving the ego.

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