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It was so GREAT to see restrictions ease last Tuesday and our members come right back to CreativeCubes.Co.

During lockdown we remained open to support all the essential workers in our community but at the same time made some significant upgrades and changes to protect and serve our growing community on return.

I’m really proud of the leadership we have going on at Cubes – Shardae & George have been nothing short of world-class in their approach to ensure our members returning to the office are done so in safe & healthy way.

Gawin, Enrico & I are excited to see new members who were scheduled to join us in March / April / May now move in and enjoy everything that the Happiness Team has to offer our community.

The “office” has shifted dramatically during COVID, Flex is the future and while we were planning for the future in 5-7yrs from now, its shown up early and we’re excited.

If you want to tour we can show you what we have on offer right here

Enjoy this quick vlog 🙌