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CreativeCubes.Co literally started on my kitchen table.

Lyndon Cookson was there, planning with us on how we wanted it to feel, look and smell.

You can throw anything his way and he’ll say: “Got it! I’ll get back to you soon.”

Throw him in the deep end and he’ll float up and come out with a smile. That’s what I love about Lyndon he is a team player… our community love him, love his energy, love his smile, love his “can do anything” attitude

Lyndon leads our Happiness+ (Plus) Team. Built out as an extension of the Happiness Team

Big Shout-out to Lyndon & Anna who are doing phenomenal work in the + team

Enjoy todays Vlog 🙂


Tobi Skovron: The walls look great, the art’s great, the funky signs are great. But really the heartbeat of what we’re doing here is about the people, good people, like you said, of the community.

Chris Tamplin: Community.

Tobi Skovron: Yeah, community. It’s all about that.

What’s the big picture here?

Chris Tamplin: The big picture? You know, we want to bring more basketball, more sports, more music. And the word is, culture and community.

The words you use about your brand, and our experience in Creative Cubes has been nothing but amazing. The level of service, to staff, Tobi, the one-on-one experiences, and the keyword community. They bring people together. We’ve met some great people here already, and it’s only been a few months.

I think we have, coming up, we’ve got events like Jason Tatum, Tiger. Hoping to bring Shaq down to Australia for the first time, which is because of Tobi, as well.

So, I think that’s the vision. I think on a sporting aspect and talent aspect, potentially, we’ll bring Shaq, Kobe, and Phil. Should be massive, game breaking. You mention that to anyone and they go, “Wow.”

Tobi Skovron: Goose bumps, man, look at that. That’s real.

Chris Tamplin: Super cool. And one day bring USA versus Australia, presented by Creative Cubes.

Tobi Skovron: That’d be awesome.

Chris Tamplin: You know, hopefully in two or three years we can get that deal done, if not some type of aspect of basketball to Australia like we’re doing now. And really move on the sections of a conversation with Tiger Woods, Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Sachin Tendulkar, Shane Warne.

These sporting icons and bringing the best of the best to Australia, the insight, the background, and some knowledge of, not just how they’ve become better athletes in their sporting fields, but better people. How they motivate people day to day, to get up and say, “I’m the best. I’ve won a championship, but I’m going to come back next year, every day, and do my best, and develop people and develop the kids around them.” Just giving that insight to coaches, people, and you can really take it in any type of business aspect, I feel.

Tobi Skovron: I’m right there with you, man.

Chris Tamplin: Like with Kobe.

Tobi Skovron: I did a vlog on Kobe. I did a vlog post meeting Kobe, and it was mind blowing.

Kobe, back-to-back championships. I saw him score 63, I saw him tear his achilles. I saw him in his final game, my daughter and I were there, where he lit it up.

So, just to be able to then sit and understand the mentality behind the performances that I paid real money, thousands of dollars, to go and see him execute on the court, was amazing. And it’s because of The Hour Group and Chris and his team that I was able to basically sit there and absorb from one of the best at what they do. So, look man, we’re really proud. We’re really excited about enabling you to go do what you do best, and play a very small role in that success.

It’s a real honour. And there’s thousands of stories like Chris’s and The Hour Group’s throughout the buildings here in Richmond, soon to be South Melbourne, Collingwood, Carlton, and so on and so forth. But it’s all about the people. The walls look great, the art’s great. The funky signs are great, but really the heartbeat of what we’re doing here is about the people and good people like this, and community.

Chris Tamplin: Community.

Tobi Skovron: Yeah, community. It’s all about that. And get to meet really cool people like Chris.

Chris Tamplin: How do we better ourselves as people and as The Hour Group?

Tobi Skovron: Yeah. That question reminds me of a tweet that I saw maybe a couple of weeks ago, which is, “How do I get my kid to do more and become more?” And my instant response, and it was a knee-jerk reaction, was, “Lead by example.”

So if you want your team to step up, you’ve got to step up, and you’ve got to sort of… Nadia Joy, who features in my blogs, as well, who’s my business coach, she’s like, “Tobi, I don’t need you at the bottom of the hill pushing the ball up, bring the people to you. Don’t try and push the people from behind.” Right? And so, how do you become better?

Just do better every day.