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EQ: abbreviation for. 1. emotional quotient, a (notional) measure of a person’s adequacy in such areas as self-awareness, empathy, and dealing sensitively with other people.

IQ: a number representing a person’s reasoning ability (measured using problem-solving tests) as compared to the statistical norm or average for their age, taken as 100.

Having both is critically important, but given we’re a people first company having strong EQ is a strength, muscle and skill we lean more on.

Enjoy todays vlog 🙂


Shardae Mazzeo: So emotional intelligence is having the capacity to have an awareness about others’ emotions as well as your own and having good understanding of what those emotions could be.

This a people-centred business. People are our business at the end of the day. And if we didn’t have emotional intelligence or I didn’t practice emotional intelligence literally every single day, day in and day out, yeah, we wouldn’t be doing really great as a business internally. So for me, a lot of the focus whilst the team is focusing on the community, is really making sure that the team is functioning to what the business needs are as well as what their needs are. So I remove sometimes what the end task is and realise how can I get them to their full capacity. not full capacity, but how can I get them to be happy in what they’re doing and how can I encourage them and foster them and grow them so that they can actually be creative and be themselves in front of our members and make sure that they’re not coming in and dragging their feet.

And that takes every single day, every day. Waking up, making sure that… And it’s something I’m super passionate about, but waking up and making sure that I’m educating myself on various platforms on what emotional intelligence looks like, how to cater yourself to different types of personalities, make sure that you’re consistent in what you’re delivering. I think consistency is key when it comes to being any type of leader and making sure that you… It’s simple. You can basically Google how to be a leader and not a boss. No one wants to have a boss, everyone wants to have a leader. And if you just start there and you unlearn a lot of the basic things that you were doing within your day that you know people aren’t responding well to and you can hear in a conversation you’re having with an individual, how they’re responding to you. If you’re not seeing the results or the excitement or the passion behind it, it’s most likely the way you’re delivering the message to them.

And you have to just be mindful of that and make sure that you take that human approach. And if you’re having a struggle, there’s various platforms out there to read an article or watch a YouTube video. And you may not agree with half of the things you find, but if you consistently teach yourself and keep on learning something new, there’s going to be something that clicks and there’s going to be something that clicks for you and your team and you and your business. But you have to be willing. If you’re not going to wake up one day, walk in and be like, “I’m a leader, I’m going to get the results and I’m going to get the end goal,” that’s not how it works. You have to… Really, for me, people are the most important part to what we do.

Our people as well as our community and our actual… our members to our space. But no one’s going to reap the benefits of how amazing our team is if our team is not doing great with it, so.

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