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Their is no congestion at the extra mile!

Providing services means “serving”, where you:

– go beyond the 100%

– approach things empathically (think from their shoes)

– listen to their needs

Internally, serving your team means the same.

– by having a great culture:

– by helping them progress in their career

– by helping them grow as an amazing human

Go the extra mile!

Thoughts? Comments?


Shardae Mazzeo: Service for us looks like really making sure we go that extra mile, that even though this person knows that maybe our skill set is from one to 10 in the role that we’re in, we still take that step to 11 to make sure their day is super smooth.

My name is Shardae and I oversee People & Culture here at CreativeCubes. It’s super important because you can do it in your own life and then you can do it within your work, your career. So within a career, my career or work, service means to me that you give 110% no matter what it is, no matter who it is. That you’re servicing them with what they’re after and what their needs are and doing it with a really empathetic approach to it as well. So put yourself in their shoes when they’re asking for that type of service.

So either that be in our world, coworking. Companies come to us and even if it’s a printing issue, you still have the urgency to try to service their needs and what they’re after. Even to us, that could be one page and that, you don’t know, maybe that page is getting them a signed contract so that they can get some funding and or whatever it may be and making sure you’re servicing them the full one to 11 versus one to 10. So just going that extra step with service.

So service is super important for us on both internal and external levels. So for me specifically in my role, my internal focus is to make sure that we’re servicing our team, making sure that they’re happy to come in every single day, make sure that they feel fulfilled, that their career progression can be fulfilled with us as a company. That we’re enhancing them, we’re encouraging them and we’re giving them a positive impact. And that really translates with growing them as a human being.

We’re able to say we really positively impact them and their career progression and them as a person. And very similar to what we do internally with our team, we do externally with our community. So service for us looks like really making sure we go that extra mile. That even though this person knows that maybe our skill set is from one to 10 in the role that we’re in, we still take that step to 11 to make sure there are days super smooth. Making sure that they feel welcome and in that they can ask for any assistance. Making sure that we can connect with them with other people within the community. If they come to us with an issue or a problem, we know who to actually get in front of them to actually give them solutions.

So maybe that is they’re not doing really great on Google, we get them in front of … that maybe a marketing or maybe Google My Business, things in that nature. So depending on what they are, we get really excited to be like, “Oh, have you talked to so-and-so? Their company does X, Y, and Z. Have you spoken to this person?” Or vice versa and make sure that we’re connecting them in that sense.

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