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Its not every day you get to hang out with an all time super hero.

On todays vlog I had an all time legend visit me @CreativeCubes.CoBATman.

Their is a myth out there that Batman was actually behind the success of Seek and I don’t want to fuel those rumours but I did hear it from a super reliable source.

I first met Batman for the first time when I was living in Los Angeles, we became mates and that friendship has actually now migrated to Melbourne… I bet you didn’t know that Batman lived in Melbourne!

Anyways he dropped in (often does but normally in disguise) to vlog with me on Startup HYPE!

Is it REAL?… are we glorifying startup world? and if so… how to tone it down?

I think we had a disconnect on the toning down bit.

Enjoy the vlog 🙂


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