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If you haven’t heard Amazon just purchased Jamie Siminoff’s company for in excess of $1B USD.
This is an unbelievable achievement by Jamie and his team, but I’m not surprised. I met Jamie for the first time in Las Vegas at CES in 2016 and a bunch of other times since. While we exchanged pleasantries given we have some close mutual friends what was very clear upon meeting him was he was hyper focused on executing his goals.
In 2013  Jamie appeared on an episode of ABC’s Shark Tankseeking a $700,000 investment in exchange for 10 percent of his company. At the time his product was called Doorbot.
While an offer was made, it wasn’t favourable for Doorbot and Jamie passed on the offer.
To anyone else they could have easily given up but Jamie regrouped, continued to maintain a hyper focus on his craft, changed the product name from Doorbot to Ring and continued to execute his vision which was to reduce crime in communities throughout the world.
To surmise, Ring is like caller ID for your front door and is now owned by Jeff Bezos and the Amazon corporation.
On todays vlog I take about the key lessons you can take from what Jamie and Ring have done.
Enjoy the Vlog 🙂
Image from Business Insider

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