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Menulog Group Limited started in 2006. Since then, over 22 million food orders have been made.

Did you know you can use Menulog to pick-up food?

Watch the vlog, as Kirst shares the pick-up feature.

Being a national business, they have teams all around Australia… CreativeCubes.Co is where they base their Melbourne team & we are super proud and grateful to serve such a fun team.

Kirst shares some insights:

For them, they leverage CreativeCubes.Co for its:

– atmosphere

– cultural and community vibes

– facilities for team building and training

– yoga work out

– and more.

Enjoy the vlog.


I’m Kirst from MenuLog. My role in MenuLog is basically national sales, which can focus on any accounts from chain accounts to mom and dads. And I basically focus on Adelaide and Melbourne, which is quite exciting.

There was two of us moving to Melbourne to get the team together, essentially. Everyone that was in Melbourne previously just worked on the road, and they didn’t have much of a team atmosphere. So to bring everyone into an office and bring them all together, we could help train them on parts that they weren’t that great on, that they needed any education on. Having us all together, essentially they boost extra skills. It was just great, it actually felt like a team for the first time ever. So Creative Cubes provided that, it was one of the best spaces.

The facilities are just amazing. I must be honest, have you seen the bathrooms? The bathrooms are amazing. But they bring things in like team yoga and all that. It just had everything at once. It was central. Hawthorn is the first place we ever launched for delivery in Melbourne, so it just made sense.

One of the big educational pieces for MenuLog, is not only do we now provide new delivery, where we focus on providing couriers to do the deliveries, but we’ve also got the pickup option. And the pickup option is really great in shopping centres, especially from the retailers that are time poor, they can choose to pick up at whatever time their break is. So educating everyone on that aspect, it saves them time. And it’s all about convenience and time at the end of the day.

So you’d log onto the app the same as you would log on to place an order for delivery, and instead of clicking delivery, you just click pick up instead, choose the time that you want to pick it up, and then from there, place your order. It’ll go straight to the retailer and they’ll have it ready, so you can just grab and go.

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