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What I love most about the partnership we struck with MYOB in collaboration with StartUp VIC is not only connecting with likeminded professionals but also connecting with people that want to make a profound impact in this world.

At the MYOB pitch night Prevention United stood out as a group that had the heart, energy & focus to make that impact.

Prevention United is a mental health organisation. They have an exclusive focus on promoting mental wellbeing and preventing mental health conditions – across the entire spectrum of conditions. They have good scientific evidence to suggest that these conditions are not inevitable and they can be prevented using the same approaches used to prevent conditions like diabetes, heart disease and cancers.

While they don’t yet know how to prevent every condition among every person, they know enough to make big in-roads while they continue to conduct research to develop more and better ways to promote mental wellbeing and prevent mental health conditions.

Claire Goldsworthy got to sit down with Lachlan Kent at CreativeCubes.Co in Hawthorn to discuss Prevention United in more details

Enjoy the vlog 🙂

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