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Jess Mendez from The Therapist Co was a winner of the MYOB Pitch night here at CreativeCubes.Co in Richmond

Jess sat down with Claire Goldsworthy to share more info about the awesome business she’s building.

In 2016 we opened the doors of The Therapist Co. to bridge the gap between clinics in need and therapists ready to work

The mission of The Therapist Co is to provide a seamless service to clinics and therapists alike within the beauty/cosmetic industry. To connect qualified, experienced and professional therapists looking for temp, casual, part time and full time work and to support clinics at a moments notice without the expense and time that traditional employment methods incur.

Enjoy the vlog 🙂

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  • Aoife says:

    Hi, I am interested in speaking with someone regarding The Therapist Co. I am the owner of a Skin and Beauty Salon in Brisbane, Pretty in the City. My contact number is 07 33719899. Thank you, Aoife

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