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Its so great to be back, its a been a minute since Josh and I were in the same building at the same time and available to shoot our regular vlog this week in start ups from CreativeCubes.Co in Richmond.

Richmond / Cremorne is building as the national tech precinct in Australia (Silicon Block / Silicon Melbourne / Silicon Yarra) and we are at the heart of it all, surrounded by some incredibly talented people, startups, unicorns, vc’s and public companies… its a great time to be alive!

On todays vlog Josh and I discuss:

  • Google Pixel and its silent move away from the Android brand
  • Apple Watch 4 & the new iPad Pro‘s that are going to be announced October 30
  • Bose and their pivot
  • More issues at FaceBook

Enjoy the vlog & congrats again to Josh who recently got engaged!!!!

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