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What third party logistic centres did to a tradition warehouse is what cloud computing did to company servers is now what coworking and flexible office space is doing to the traditional office… and this is just the tip of the iceberg!

From startups and tech giants to more old-school firms, businesses are rethinking the role of office space and whether they even need it.

In the old world, an office was a form of corporate peacocking — a flashy location in some iconic building with a boutique-hotel level of design for clients, employees, customers, and investors— in the new world, it is becoming a very costly line item that could be reduced to the equivalent of a single slimmed down location.

Instead of a sprawling, capital-intensive, real-world footprint, all that capital expenditure can be optimised for critical face-to-face conversations, like meeting with clients or wooing talent that can be expensed verse sitting on your balance sheet as a liability.

In 2019, International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 16 will change the accounting practices for occupiers of real estate, eliminating off-balance sheet reporting and requiring them to recognise most leases on balance sheets as liabilities.

Since any lease obligation of less than 12 months is exempted and can still be booked as an expense, the latest realestate market research reporting expects more occupiers to increasingly look for shorter term leases and increase their use of flexible space.

That’s where we come in; We convert buildings into collaborative communities adding a rich culture layer to our workspaces & services which provide a platform for all to build their business!

We have invested heavily to deliver a unique and unmatched experience which enables companies of all sizes to simply immerse themselves into. We understand the power of community, health, wellness, fuel & mindfulness to help elevate your brand, people & culture taking them to the next level

Lighten Your Balance Sheet & Give Your Employees Flexibility.

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