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Human interaction is a bare necessity in life; it lowers stress levels, it decreases the risk of depression and anxiety, and it positively affects the endocrine-immune system. We could get all science-y and delve deep into the physiological benefits of human interaction, but if you’re reading this, chances are you’re not a monk living in isolation, so you’re already aware of why being around other people is good for you.

When you’re working from home though, human interaction can be scarce, and depending on what kind of freelancing work you do or what sort of small business you run, real human conversations can be few and far between. If that resonates with you, or you’ve recently named your indoor plants and have taken to speaking with them when you walk around the house in-between emails, it’s time to step away from the home office and explore co-working with human beings.

Alongside human interaction, the benefits of co-working include:

  • Socialising with real people in a supportive space, which eliminates the chances of cabin-fever and craziness.
  • Company and companionship, which reduces feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Networking and business growth, because when you’re surrounded by like-minded people, the conversation flows, and conversations lead to opportunities.
  • Increased levels of productivity, because when you’re working in a professional environment without the distraction of the dishes and the washing, you focus more on the tasks at hand and you prioritise.
  • Yep – it’s true. Home-based workers and freelancers have higher rates of obesity because at home, you’re in your comfort zone, which means more frequent trips to the than you would ordinarily do at the office.
  • A professional space to step up your business, because co-working spaces offer private meeting rooms, boardrooms and areas suited to business meetings. Trust us; bringing a client to a meeting at the kitchen table doesn’t really say, ‘I’m serious about your business’.

There’s also good vibes, new faces, fun conversations and office parties when you’re co-working in a shared space, and who doesn’t love a good office party? All work and no play makes for a dull life, and life’s too short to be dull.

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