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To Ensure The Safety of Our Team & Community

We take the health and wellbeing of our staff and members very seriously and want to ensure we are doing everything we can to maintain high levels of safety and hygiene.

As a precaution please see below key recommendations collated from the Australian Federal Government Department of Heath and the Victorian Government Department of Health & Human Services websites regarding Coronavirus.

Additionally we want to remind everyone that it is the responsibility of all members, staff and employers to ensure they remain up to date and informed on the situation as well as take all practical measures to ensure high hygiene standards are maintained both personally and by their team and guests.

We request all members and staff read this webpage and continue to stay up to date with Government Advice.

If you or anyone that has or is planning to attend a CreativeCubes.Co location has travelled to an At Risk Region, has come into contact with and infected person or has shown symptoms of Coronavirus please contact me either by phone or email and follow the instructions at this link from the Australian Department of Health – Isolation Guide. More Info Here

At Risk Regions
Read this link below for more information on travel advice and at Risk Regions.

Higher risk

  • Mainland China
  • Iran
  • Italy
  • Republic of Korea


  • Cambodia
  • Hong Kong
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Mongolia

Precautions to prevent the spread of coronavirus

  • Ensure steps are taken to maintain high personal hygiene levels (see below), maintain surface disinfection and hygienic food preparation practices. While CreativeCubes.Co staff and cleaners will continue to thoroughly clean the space we have made additional products and equipment available for all members to use where they see fit.
  • Ensure persons with a high risk of exposure to the Coronavirus due to recent travel or contact with known cases, do not attend the premises for 14 days after leaving or transiting through the affected area.
  • Isolate from the work place any persons with symptoms, until symptoms have ceased, or clearance given by a medical practitioner.
  • Notify your manager\employer and CreativeCubes.Co Management and health authorities of any cases identified in or connected to the tenancy.

10 Ways to Reduce your Risk & Practice Good Hygiene
You will notice the signs around the space. Please follow these recommendations.

What should I do if I am feeling unwell?

  • Contact a GP or health professional. We suggest you call ahead, explaining your symptoms and travel history, rather than attend in person in the first instance.
  • Return to your home and isolate yourself in a room away from others while you seek urgent medical assessment.
  • Remain in isolation while waiting for the results of the assessment.
  • The Commonwealth Department of Health is advising individuals who have arrived in Australia from overseas in the 14 days before the onset of symptoms (fever, acute respiratory infection e.g. shortness of breath or cough) to seek medical attention.

Who should I call if I am feeling unwell?

  • Health Direct has a free helpline, at 1800 022 222. Registered nurses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide advice when you’re not sure what to do – whether you should see a local GP, manage the condition in isolation, or go to an emergency department. (*Calls are free from a landline; charges may apply from a mobile phone.)

What are the symptoms?

  • Symptoms of COVID-19 can include fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties, fatigue and tiredness.
  • More information can be found here

Information for Employers


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