In July of this year a Travelling Tradies embarked on a Pilot Trip to Brazil. Milwaukee Power Tools Sponsored Travelling Tradies with 40kg of tools. Although this was an amazing gesture that was greatly appreciated, it was a nightmare to carry 20kg backpacks, Surfboards, and 40kg of tools around the country.
Upon returning from the Pilot, Adam and the team were eager to rectify this weight problem and Adam went on a mission to design a lightweight, compact but useful toolkit that consisted of all the essentials a Tradie would need to complete handyman tasks anywhere in the world.
This compact 7kg beast, created by Adam equips all his Tradies going overseas to be ready and able to Get Sh#T Done!
TEAM SPOTLIGHT: WE ARE LUNA. (#CorporateAdvice's latest upgrade)
Introducing LUNA! The team over at #CorporateAdvice have laid to rest their former identity and emerged from the dust as the incredible LUNA. Check it out below!
Luna is a new concept paving the way for the Australian startup scene. We’re a full service startup hub offering legal, accounting, education for founders.
The Holiday Season at Cubes…
CreativeCubes will be operating at a reduced level over the holiday period. From December 24th through to January 2nd the Happiness Team will be sipping on eggnog and catching some rays in the great outdoors. We will have a handful of team members working remotely if you find yourself in a pickle and require some assistance. We will circulate best contact numbers closer to the date!
A message from us!
Effective from 2019, International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 16 will change the accounting practices for occupiers of real estate, eliminating off-balance sheet reporting and requiring them to recognise most leases on balance sheets as liabilities.
” Since any lease obligation of less than 12 months is exempted and can still be booked as an expense, CBRE Research expects more occupiers to increasingly look for shorter term leases and increase their use of flexible space
As a CreativeCubes.Co member you receive a complimentary class to get you going on the journey of total wellbeing. All you need to do is follow the below steps and before you know it, you’ll be the best kickass version of yourself.
Create a MindBody account by downloading the Rebel Monk app for iPhone/iPad or Android (or click this link to sign up via your computer or tablet)
Your details will be matched to Member records, so please make sure that you don’t use a different name
Choose your class at the time and date that suits you
“Purchase” a Single Class (Drop In) to pay for that class
Apply Promo Code “CCCMembers” at checkout
After that, you can join the Founder Members who’ve already signed up for our $60 (no lock-in) #ufyl Introductory Offer giving unlimited classes for a month. With an amazing schedule of 44 classes each week, we’ll bring you the still and peaceful, the fast and furious, and everything in-between to suit your individual needs.
If you have any questions or problems accessing your complimentary class, please contact our manager Scott by email via
See you in class!

Events at CreativeCubes.Co!
Be sure to stay up to date with all our monthly events and let technology help you remember what’s on when, by adding them directly to your calendar here
Are you hosting an event or attending an event in January which you would like to recommend? We would love to hear from you! Please send all submissions to by COB December 13th.