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Over the last six months, the workplace has undergone a significant transformation. Gone are the days of crammed cubicles, fluorescent lighting, water coolers and watching the clock. With a vast majority of the global population being ordered to work from home, remote work has officially become the norm.

Although remote working has its own pro’s, in time it’s con’s tend to take over, with the boundaries between bedroom and office blurred. At CreativeCubes.Co, we’ve been observing the shifts in the landscape of work and the workplace and are committed to enhancing the remote work experience. 

With amazingly designed workspaces, CreativeCubes.Co offers an environment that is proven to increase productivity, innovation and collaboration. With flexible office and coworking arrangements, CreativeCubes.Co is perfect for businesses looking to immerse themselves and their staff into a  thriving and vibrant ecosystem to grow, network & scale their business. 

For last-minute meetings or escaping household distractions for an important Zoom call, CreativeCubes.Co has meeting rooms and event spaces that are guaranteed to make you feel supported, inspired and stimulated.

Throughout COVID-19 and beyond, CreativeCubes.Co is here to help business owners, entrepreneurs and the modern employee return to the new way of work. We’ll help you achieve a state of zen-like balance by providing venues and amenities designed to help you de-stress and recharge… all in a day’s work.