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Your LinkedIn profile is an extension of your personal branding message, and if you don’t have one, you’re missing out potential opportunities. It doesn’t matter if you’re happily employed or looking for work either; LinkedIn isn’t just about finding a new job. Since launching in 2002, LinkedIn has pushed its way into the social media scene, and while it mightn’t have been the coolest platform a decade ago, it’s a non-negotiable now.

Perfecting your LinkedIn profile is easy too. Think of it as a digital resume, with a few branded tweaks thrown in. Creating the best possible LinkedIn profile will mean that you’ll get noticed too, and the potential for business connections and corporate collaborations is far greater when your profile is on brand.

LinkedIn 101. Start with the basics.
Like any other social media platform, a great profile picture is key, but you’ll want to keep this one professional. Keep last weekend’s festivities privately within Facebook, and use a photo for LinkedIn that shows your professional side. A clear, professional headshot is a great place to start when you’re building the best LinkedIn profile, and first impressions last so take it seriously. You’ll also want to make sure all your basic information is correct and visible, like your full name, position title and location.

Dig deep and be proud.
Your current and past work experience and job roles have made you what you are today, so include them on your profile and be proud of your experience. LinkedIn is no place for being shy; if you want a potential future employer to know how good you are at what you do, display it loud and proud, in an honest way. List your work experience and your background like your next job depends on it, and include your education history too. Fill in the blanks and include any relevant degrees, certificates or qualifications, even the ones you think don’t matter. If it’s got to do with your professional experience or it helps explain what kind of person you are in your personal life, include it.

Recommendations are crucial.
Recommendations on LinkedIn are like references on your resume, and they’re public proof of your skills and qualifications. Request a few recommendations from current or past colleagues, and have your skills backed by people who know you well.

Making sure your LinkedIn profile is complete, relevant and reflects your personal brand, will open doors when you least expect it. Having a powerful LinkedIn profile also strengthens your brand, and it’s an excellent resource for potential clients and customers to crosscheck your history in a professional way.

It would be a missed opportunity for us not to ask if we’re connected on LinkedIn so if we’re not connected already, we’ve hyperlinked it for your convenience.

Furthermore if you have tips and tricks yourself, don’t be shy… comment in the section below so we can continue to share successful ideas and grow together

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