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MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Stephanie Waters | Content Smith

Stephanie Waters | founder & director

Stephanie and her team are excited to invite all cubers to an event they are organising on the 22nd of May.

Selling the 'why'. Communicating your purpose. - by Content Smith & Fireside

Join Lord Mayor Sally Capp, Gruen’s Russel Howcroft, political organiser Stephen Donnelly and psychologist and media personality Sabina Read to discuss leading with purpose and influence.

If you’re in the business of influencing your community, it’s not enough to just tell people what you do and describe it’s impact. This event is for anyone who’s interested in influencing their community, customers or business networks, wants to live a values-driven purposeful life, and wants to learn useful ways of developing and managing it.

Door prize (valued at $650) includes: – Apple AirPods with charging case – Strategy Session from Fireside – Social Media Audit from Content Smith

Use code CUBERS20 for discounted tickets.


Small Buisness Events 2019

Session 1: Commercialising your new idea workshop: Strategies to get to market


Small Buisness Events 2019

Winning government business: What you need to know



Australian cyber security start-up Kasada has closed a $6.5 million venture funding round led by CSIRO-backed venture firm Main Sequence Ventures and Westpac’s Reinventure Group


Embrace your chill this Winter!

We’re for the movers, the shakers and the boundary breakers.

For those looking to get more good stuff out of their day.

We’re all about connecting your body, breath and mind.



Start Up Victoria x Victoria University

Judy Anderson

CEO - Start Up Victoria

Victoria University has joined forces with Victorian start-up organisation Startup Victoria in a bid to stimulate the local tech ecosystem, launching a joint-partnership research project into the state’s founder community as well as a number of other initiatives.

Read the full article here

The Project....

What FOUND is
FOUND, a groundbreaking research partnership between Victoria University and Startup Victoria, will unearth a grassroots profile of the Victorian founder community on an annual basis.
Victoria’s startup ecosystem has evolved. And so has its founder community. The traditional technology-diven, male-led startup stereotype has been replaced by a diverse group of creative thinkers from all backgrounds, cultures and locations. And as the industry’s grown, so has their potential, and their vision.
For the first time ever, emerging founders from across the state will have a clear means by which to tell policy makers, educational institutions and service providers exactly what they need.
In this way, FOUND provides a direct mechanism for government and industry to discover how to best support the entire Victorian founder community, from policy, to education, to office space — and everything in between.
Together, they’ll determine the future context in which globally-focused, rapid-growth startups can thrive with Victoria as their base.
For founders
The image of the startup founder busily working away in obscurity is about to change.
For the first time, every single one of Victoria’s emerging founders now has a way to tell government, as well as the educational and support sectors, their own story.
FOUND is an annual research project from Victoria University and Startup Victoria. It’ll collate data from people as unique and visionary as you, all over the state, and present it to key players in the government, education, and private sectors.
We want to know who you are, and what you need to build a successful high-growth global business. Each year, selected founders will be profiled within the report, too. Given the eyes that’ll be on FOUND, that’s great exposure — especially for those who might not live near big-city pitch events or founder meetups.
FOUND is your chance to shift public and private sector thinking around what it means to found a globally-focused startup in Victoria. And it’s a chance to start a conversation about your business’s future, on your terms.
How to get involved
Founders are invited to fill in the pre-qualifying questionnaire at From there, researchers from Victoria University will conduct one-on-one interviews with founder candidates.


MicDrop Events

Don't miss out on any events happening in the space this month!

Have an event you would like to host for the CreativeCubes community in Hawthorn or Richmond? Reach out to to start a conversation.

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