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The corporate office, once the heart of a company, now sits empty with a majority of employees forcibly thrown into working remotely

Companies are beginning to recognise the limitations of fixed lease offices and in an effort to prepare for the post-pandemic work-life, we’re witnessing a major shift in attitudes towards the traditional office model. 

Looking to break free from long term lease agreements, downsize their real estate portfolio and as the demand for workplace flexibility continues to grow, there has been a significant uptick in SME’s and large corporates turning to coworking & private offices within them to address the inefficiencies of the traditional office.

Break Free From A Traditional Lease

We pride ourselves on a humble flex at CreativeCubes.Co as we understand the one-size-fits-all approach is ineffective, particularly in the current climate. Pre, present and post pandemic we support businesses in reviewing their workplace strategy by either complimenting or replacing  fixed leased office space with flexible office space.

At CreativeCubes.Co, the extent of arrangements are endless. As you grow and your needs and space requirements change, we are here and committed to support you and your employees all the way. Our spaces are designed to proactively increase employee interactions that lead to innovation, collaboration and better connection to the organisation. 

Access multiple buildings, grow and contract seamlessly, immerse yourself in a world-class community and support, inspire and stimulate your employees all at CreativeCubes.Co

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