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We live, love and breathe co-working at CreativeCubes.Co, it’s in our blood. It’s still a relatively new concept in Australia though, so we’re going to define it for you.

Co-working is what you make it, and at CreativeCubes.Co, we make it pretty damn awesome.

According to wikipedia Co-working is “a self-directed, collaborative, flexible and voluntary work style that is based on mutual trust and the sharing of common core values between its participants. Coworking involves a shared workplace, often an office, and independent activity”.

According to us co-working @ CreativeCubes.Co is a collaborative community with amazingly designed workspaces to inspire left brain thinking for the right brainers + right brain thinking for everybody

We have our Happiness Team who are the heartbeat of the space. They’re the connectors, listeners and doers intuitively in sync with the needs of our members keeping them going with mind-blowing service.

We deliver Space, fuel, wellness and access to our ecosystem to get people and their business buzzing + play a role in helping them go to the next level

So Why Co-working?

For each individual it varies but at the core some of the key reasons are:

• Loneliness
Working from home creates isolation

• Satellite office
It’s a plug and play solution for companies expanding beyond their home state

• Rapid expansion or contraction
Companies are moving at a rapid pace that a traditional lease is too much of a liability on the flex

• Culture
A lot of companies have grown and culture has fallen by the waste side. Plugging into Co-working (Specifically CreativeCubes.Co) instantly brings a culture and vibe to their place of business.

• Attracting the best talent
Companies are leveraging co-working for a funky, fun and entertaining way to attract talent. Its one thing to have a great product or service to offer the market which people will subscribe to working for. But its another if that awesome product or service is living inside of an epic environment verse a sterile, fluro-light, dull office space.

• Staff Retention
Similar to attracting the best talent, retaining them is probably of greater value to any organisation. Living & working inside of an awesome environment is most certainly a sticking point for any employee.

• Ground Zero Action & Activity
Plugging into a co-working space is like plugging into grown zero on activity. You have a collision of ideas, companies and people floating through the properties. These will rub off on you, your people, your organisation and help elevate what ever it is youre doing to a higher level.

• Loads of Prospective Clients
Not only a space to work, but a place to engage and meet potential clients.

• Collaboration & networking opportunities
A large portion of our community do business with one another.

• Access to amenities (event space / café / gym / yoga)
More than desk or office space – a place for all parts of you to thrive

• Too busy to run own office space
• Ability to focus on company 100%
Plug and play

Here is a vlog covering more details 🙂

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