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If you’ve been following our CEO Tobi on LinkedIn you can start to see the theme thats woven into the DNA of Cubes.

On this vlog Gawin (one of our Co-Founders), also calls out leaving one’s ego behind (it serves no-one).

When it comes to selling:

– be passionate about solving problems

– there’s no place for ego

– helping your customer is a key priority

– don’t pitch, LISTEN!

Part of the reasons why we have a strong culture & community here at CreativeCubes.Co is that we start with the basics, we all started on the Happiness Team. It’s a great place to learn fundamentals about serving our people.

Enjoy todays Vlog 🙂


Gawin Fernando:  My name’s Gawin Fernando. Everyone calls me Gawin or Gav. I’m one of the Co-Founders and Head of Commercial for CreativeCubes.

It’s been a great journey thus far. I joined the business about four years ago and had a lot of fun so far and a lot of fun to come with Richmond opening about two years ago. Hawthorn, obviously just over a year ago now, and South Melbourne to come.

Just firstly, you have to be really grounded and have absolutely no ego when it comes to really anything to do with selling. You have to be passionate and really, really understand intimately exactly what you’re trying to sell and the message you’re trying to communicate. Because when you’re selling something, you need to build rapport, you need to build trust. And to do that, people never want to be sold to, but they definitely want their problem to be solved.

My tact is to firstly understand exactly what the customer needs, what the customer wants. Then what can I do, or what can my product do to help them? If I haven’t got a solution, where can I lead them to so I can help them out? Because for me it’s having a sale, a closed sale isn’t always the goal. It’s more so, have I tended to the customer’s needs? So that’s what I focus on first and I back with that.

So for anyone in the organisation, their first need is done on the Happiness Team and that includes myself. That includes Tobi. That’s including everyone in the leadership team, everyone in the cafe, everyone in yoga, everyone in our event space and our events team. And obviously the Happiness Team itself.

Everyone starts in happiness because the Happiness Team help our members. They’re there for our members and as a business, that’s what we’re there for. And then, the skillset is born out of that.

So if you are a Happiness Team member, then we sort of concentrate on what skillset is going to best fit into the company. And then, if you’re a good salesperson and you’re great at solving an equation, a human equation, then you’re a perfect fit for sales at CreativeCubes.

So what age are you referring to? Because I probably changed my favourite coffee about four times. I think it started with an espresso and then it went to a magic for all you hipsters out there. And then it went to a long macchiato and now it’s some set it on a almond latte for everyone who actually cares.

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