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Belonging is a fundamental human need that shapes our identity, builds connections, and fosters a sense of community. In the workplace, a strong sense of belonging can have a significant impact on an employee’s performance, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

In this blog, I want to share with you our experience here at CreativeCubes.Co around our number one value and the value proposition of belonging in the workplace and company, and how identifying with company culture can help create a positive work environment.

The Antithesis of Current Work Environments

The modern workplace is often characterised by a fast-paced, high-stress environment, where long working hours and competitive cultures are the norm. Employees are expected to perform at their best, often with little support or recognition from their superiors. This type of work environment can lead to stress, burnout, and high turnover rates.

In a post pandemic world after a lot of time for us to reflect, slow down and assess employees are resigning (some silently) with a renewed focus on being involved / employed by companies that put a sense of belonging and a strong company culture at the forefront. For employees this will transform the work environment from a place of stress and anxiety to one of support and collaboration.

Identifying with Company Culture

Company culture is the personality of a company and includes the values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that are shared and subscribed to by its employees. A strong company culture promotes a sense of belonging and creates a positive work environment.

Employees who identify with company culture are more likely to feel a sense of purpose and meaning in their work. They are more likely to be engaged and committed to their jobs, and are more likely to be loyal to the company.

Flex Spaces, Working Close to Home, and Flexible Hours

In addition to identifying with company culture, there are several other ways employers can create a sense of belonging in the workplace. One of the most popular is through the use of flex spaces, working close to home, and flexible hours. For what it’s worth, we have a front row seat here at CreativeCubes.Co and are seeing companies shrink their office needs in pursuit of smaller, leaner, flexible spaces that serve their teams in a better way.

Flex spaces allow employees to work in different locations within the company or remotely. This provides employees with more control over their work environment and can help them feel more comfortable and productive.

Working close to home is another way employers can help employees feel a sense of belonging. By allowing employees to work closer to their homes, employers can help reduce commute times and stress levels, allowing employees to feel more connected to their community.

Its all related and ties together neatly because flexible hours also help create a sense of belonging in the workplace. By allowing employees to work during the hours that work best for them, employers can help them feel more in control of their work/life balance, leading to increased job satisfaction,  engagement and productivity.

Lean in on the value proposition of belonging in the workplace – this can not be overstated. Identifying with company culture and creating a positive work environment through the use of flex spaces, working close to home, and flexible hours can help employees feel more connected to their work and community. By doing so, employers can create a strong and committed workforce that is more productive and loyal to the company.

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