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Many companies are bracing for economic headwinds, and a big concern is the costs of leasing office space in uncertain times.

Fear not! See this time as an opportunity and a way to shape your needs into the future whilst you continue to optimise how you spend your money all whilst continuing to achieve your goals.

Firstly, consider the location of your office. By choosing a location that is convenient for your employees and clients, you can save time and money on commuting. This will also help to boost productivity and promote a positive work environment.

Another way to save money is by choosing a flexible office space option. With this option, you can pay only for the space you need and for the duration of time you require it. This can be a great way to avoid long-term commitments (liabilities), dumping working capital into fit out (that you can’t take with you) and save money in the long run.

In fact, effective from 2019, International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 16 changed the accounting practices for occupiers of real estate, eliminating off-balance sheet reporting and requiring them to recognise most leases on balance sheets as liabilities.

Since any lease obligation of less than 12 months is exempted and can still be booked as an expense, the latest real estate market research reporting expects more occupiers to increasingly look for shorter term leases and increase their use of flexible space.

Savvy flex office operators cater to your businesses every need and can include:

  • Rent & Outgoings
  • Fit-out
  • Security Bond (Only 2 Months)
  • High Speed Internet
  • Front Desk Staff
  • Site Cleaning & Maintenance
  • CCTV & Security Monitoring
  • Site OH&S
  • Internet Network Maintenance
  • Guest Check In System
  • Kitchen Amenities
  • Office Administration & Maintenance
  • Social Events
  • Site Onboard & Off-boarding
  • No Make Good Costs

Considering this, your business in most cases delivers you more for less creating a massive win for your business.

You can still get your own private space, lockable to fit your equipment, devices and team and you can scale this up or down to suit your needs in real-time.

Beyond all of this, Belonging is a fundamental human need that shapes our identity, builds connections, and fosters a sense of community. In the workplace, a strong sense of belonging can have a significant impact on an employee’s performance, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

You can read more on this blog I wrote about belonging… don’t under value this!

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