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As Australian businesses have been forced to adapt to a completely remote workforce due to the pandemic, changes are accelerating at rapid speeds in the way people work and the spaces in which they do so.

Remote working has proven to be a successful and productive experiment which has changed the employee’s experience, bringing about a greater work life balance. As this flexibility is called to remain in the workplace post-pandemic, many businesses are reevaluating what this means for the new employee experience, and it starts in the office.

We are all aware of the perks working from home; the ability to fit jobs around other responsibilities, zero commuting, no office distractions and an increased flexibility in how your day is scheduled. While studies have shown productivity has increased, so is the risk of burnout with the lines between home and office blurred.

In the long term, flexibility will be key for all employees which will bring a blend of opportunities. As the myriad benefits of flexible workspaces have become apparent, now more than ever organisations are turning to flexible workspace providers to help them adapt and provide an agile and positive employee experience.

A truly flexible workplace fuelling a positive employee experience will be one in which employees have the option to work in the atmosphere of their choice that suits their work style. With office usage decreased as a result, companies no longer need to be locked into a fixed lease. With a decreased dependency on the traditional office, flexible workplaces will provide employers with cost savings as they only pay for occupied workstations however they also provide employees with the freedom of varied workspaces to suit their needs whether it be open plan workstations for collaboration or private areas for confidential phone calls and meetings.

The need for teams to spend time together will always be an essential part of work. While there are now endless online communication platforms on offer and with many businesses already encouraging staff to attend online meetings, video fails to accurately recreate the in-person experience and can lead to digital workplace burnout. Flexible offices allow for a stronger social element to the day leading to enhanced employee wellbeing and productivity. The diverse mix of individuals within an office space provides increased networking opportunities that could benefit businesses and its employees.

Now is the time for businesses to critically evaluate the workplace and their employee’s needs once lockdowns lift. The end of fixed workplace attendance will unlock productivity growth and personal creativity and flexible workplaces are the most adept to assist businesses in moving forward into an agile, supportive and successful workplace post-pandemic.

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