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A typical workday is likely to look very different for many Australian employees once restrictions ease. After several months at home, professionals are keen to get back into the office however are reluctant to abandon the newfound flexibility remote working provides.

As companies look to a post-COVID future, the vision is a hybrid model combining remote work and office time. Businesses are now steering from the traditional office and favouring flexible office providers in order to deliver the benefits of in-person collaboration and the flexibility of remote work.

The end of the 9-5?

The hybrid model is more than allowing employees the choice in where they want to work. It provides the opportunity to choose when they would like to work. A study conducted by global HR firm Adecco Group, it’s found that over 69% of employees would like the autonomy to fit work around their lives and instead want to be judged on the value they create, not the number of hours worked.

As the pandemic has given employers a newfound respect for how employees get their work done, many are downsizing the traditional office and moving to flexible office providers to further provide employees with the flexibility and independence of choice.

Flexible office providers are emerging as the solution for a seamless transition to the hybrid model.

Open 24/7, flexible office space provides professionals the options of quiet spaces if they need to focus or collaborative spaces where interaction is encouraged. These options provide autonomy while facilitating creativity and innovation, championing the movement to flexible work hours and result driven measurements of success.

Increased opportunities to up-skill

With a rapid introduction to working from home, many employees found it to be a very isolating and frustrating experience particularly navigating video conferencing platforms and workflow management apps. Such changes have sparked an appetite for learning that many employees wish to see continued once the transition back into the office commences.

Employers recognise the desire for increased opportunities to up-skill however many do not have the resources to bring it to fruition. Many flexible workspace operators bridge the gap by offering regular professional development events and networking opportunities for professionals without additional cost to the business’ short term lease. Offering employees flexible work options allows them opportunity to study and up-skill when they choose and in turn, businesses reap the benefits as their employee’s new talents help their role and company as a whole.

As employees throughout Australia change their expectations in what they want to get from their jobs, it can be assumed companies will allow working from home in some capacity. As employers recognise the demand for flexibility and move to adopt a hybrid working model, flexible office providers are the favoured solution for a seamless transition.