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Predicting the future can be difficult when businesses have been forced to adapt rapidly to the daily challenges the pandemic has brought with it. As we’re slowly seeing restrictions ease, planning for the phased return to work is front of mind for many employers.

The future of work is likely to look very different from life pre-pandemic. With COVID-19 safe plans the new norm to help businesses operate and manage work health and safety risks, many business leaders are being urged to develop hybrid strategies with flexible arrangements as an alternative to the mass return to the office.

The COVID-19 crisis has shown the traditional office has become obsolete in its current form. Flexible workplace providers are rapidly emerging as the preferred option to provide businesses with flexible lease terms while ensuring employee safety with private, controlled spaces.

Flexibility First

Long-term, lock-in leases are no longer a viable option for many businesses that have and are continuing to weather the crisis. The traditional office poses itself as a risky option, taking away the ability for businesses to actively respond to the changes in the economy. With businesses being urged to stagger work hours and implement social distancing within offices, many are favouring flexible office providers allowing them to forgo the long-term commitments of rigid leases while offering the in-person appeal of traditional private offices.

Not A One-Size-Fits-All Office Solution

With capacity restrictions in place to mitigate the risk of the virus, employers are no longer able to accomodate the same amount of teams they once had. Posing an operational and costly challenge of redesigning and restructuring existing real estate, businesses instead need to focus on their bottom line and operate hyper efficiently and productively.

Flexibility and adaptability is in the DNA of flexible office providers. They’re well equipped to respond quicker and more efficiently to changes brought on by the pandemic. With a range of spaces on offer, flexible office providers are able to cater to the requirements of companies while offering everything a business would need at the ready, optimised for productivity.

Rebuilding Company Culture

As many employees have spent the greater half of the year working from home, it’s evident that burnout and isolation is beginning to take its toll especially for those individuals who thrive off the pace and offerings of the day-to-day office life. Businesses will always need a secure physical space for their employees to come together, not only for market presence or meetings but to serve as a touchpoint of connection and collaboration.

Flexible office providers values are built on community, culture and a sense of belonging. Proven to fight loneliness, burnout and depression, flexible office providers will be a major benefit to businesses with the desire to rebuild company culture post-COVID-19.

Refocus On Business Goals

Over the past several months, many businesses have been forced to rapidly adapt their operations, technology and employees to remote work. With the return to work on the horizon, their focus should not be on the hassles of running an office. Hospitality focused, flexible office providers offer human-centric working environments, workplace design and culture that is a melting post of innovation and diversity that profit the company and people in them.

Ever-Ready For The Future

The pandemic has brought with it an ever changing landscape where business leaders have been forced to pivot and rapidly adapt. This constant change and disruption has highlighted the importance of incorporating future planning into their businesses including knowing exactly what capital expenses they now have to incur.

Many companies are now evaluating and minimising their non-essentials, one of which is the traditional office space. Offering a flexible space solution allowing businesses to focus on core operations, reduce financial risk and optimise capital expenses, flexible office providers are the key in which holds the future of flex and ultimate success of a business bouncing back from the pandemic.